Geslaagde uitwisseling met ons Charterdorp in Engeland
Esch 10 oktober 2018. Door deelnemer aan dit charter Pieter Schevers
Wij waren er als de kippen bij om in te gaan op de uitnodiging van het charterdorp Desborough in Engeland om een weekend bij hen te gast te zijn. We reisden met een luxe VIP bus via de Eurotunnel naar Engeland. Wij verbleven, zoals gebruikelijk bij Friends of Europe, in Desborough bij gastgezinnen van vrijdag 5 t/m maandag 8 oktober 2018. Er was een geweldig leuk programma voor ons samengesteld.
Wij kunnen nu terug kijken op een mooie ervaring en vele onvergetelijke ontmoetingen in Desborough.Dank aan het bestuur die zijn in gegaan op de uitnodiging uit Desborough (Ons bestuur: Boy Scholtze, Thea Heesemans, Lia de Man, Frans Vermeer, onze burgemeester Jeanettte Zwijnenburg, Ans Beijens en Sara Bormans)
Wij waren en zijn zeer content met deze ontmoeting in Desborough en om met de woorden van Boy (die nu ook president van het Charter is) te spreken: “De Brexit hoeft nog geen exit van de vriendschap te zijn met dit land”.
En inderdaad het bestuur heeft door dit initiatief van deze bijzondere uitwisseling daad bij woord gevoegd. Dat hebben ze daar in Desborough dan ook goed begrepen, gezien hun gastvrij onthaal en organisatie van de gastgezinnen. Vandaar ook mijn onderstaande dankwoordje aan ons gastgezin in Desborough Bob en Jill Freeman.
Dear Bob and Jill,
We have returned to the Netherlands and we still enjoy the beautiful stay with you in Desborough.
No only we, but our whole group was surprised by the great welcome in Desborough and his host families.
Friday the 5th of October in the evening of our first day, we started under the apple tree in your nice garden with a trip in the beautiful surroundings of Desborough.
At Saturday we made an incredibly beautiful trip to Stamford. Here we visited the Burghley House with the nice gardens and had lunch at the Orangery. In the evening we were invited for a great diner together with your friends Mary (flower girl from Desborough), Mike and their guests Jan and Thea.
Moreover we were pleased with Jill’s invitation at Sunday, to attend the celebration at the St Giles church in Desborough, together with Jan and Thea. Afterwards we went to the Heritage Centre in Desborough where we learned a lot about the history of Desborough from the very early settlements to the 19th and 20th centuries. Bob told us especially about the first world war for which your grandfather has been honoured for his dedication. Beautiful that Jill does have her own office here as a volunteer. This museum can only exist thanks to your enthusiastic volunteers.
In the afternoon we visited the Foxton Locks and we are pleased to meet your son Richard and grandchildren Aswin and Fria. It was a beautiful day with nice weather. We enjoyed this visit to the Foxton Locks, surrounded by Leicestershire’s beautiful countryside. The unique waterways with their narrow boats, and the 10 locks, all was great to see for us.
We visited with Bob the allotments in Desborough and are still amazed that you did build a real friends club there.
And of course we remember the super nice ending of our stay in Desborough when your friends club invited us for the Farewell meal at the Ritz building.
Thank you so much for the impressing friendship. Our President Boy of the European Charter has put it right: “Friendship is more important than all political statements”.
We will never forget all we were able to experience with you. Of course you are welcome for a return visit to our village Esch in the Netherlands. We do wish you and friends many blessings from our good God, who allows us to manage and inhabit this nice world and make it a place of true exchange.
Again a warm greeting also to your (and now also our friends) friends in Desborough and also special to Mary and Mike.
Pieter and Nelly Schevers.